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Guy Marsden's
turned artwork


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These pieces were made in a effort to make a name for myself in the rather exclusive field of turned wood art.  I have lacked the time to invest in promoting my work to the galleries that represent artists in this field, and
have discontinued pursuing this endeavor.

The prices listed reflect the value of the work given that I had every intention of achieving some recognition in this art form.  I am now open to reasonable offers from interested parties.  I would enjoy seeing these works in good homes!   If one of these works calls to you -  make me an offer!

How I got Started

I have been an artist and sculptor most of my adult life.  I purchased a wood lathe in mid April 2002 with the sole intention of creating turned art objects.  I had been designing shapes in my head for over a year that were forms evolved from my furniture.  The designs all had legs attached radially in the same way that my tables have thin vertical strips as a primary element.
Side table legs detail
(Click image to see my furniture designs)

Although I have almost every other piece of wood working machinery, I had held off acquiring a lathe since I was fully aware of the addictive nature of turning wood.  I didn't want to begin turning without a clear sense of what I had in mind, and I had no interest in making traditional bowl or vase forms.

The lathe I acquired was an old Rockwell lathe that had been cut down by a previous owner to make it into a bowl lathe.  I stripped it and lubed and painted it to make it like new - (well, green hammer tone is taking a liberty with the original Delta gray!).  I also added a 1HP variable speed drive, and added 4" of heavy oak boards under the lathe to bring it up to a good working height (I'm over 6'1").

It didn't take me long to set up a good work space and make piles of shavings!
Me turning on the lathe

I surprised myself with how quickly I was able to create forms that I found unique and satisfying.  I often wake up in the morning thinking about what I would like to make that day.  Within seconds a fully formed design pops into my head, along with an amusing descriptive title.  This is the most fun that I have had making art since I was a teenager!

My pieces are all numbered from the first piece made on my neighbor's lathe in 2001. I am also having fun with my titles.  That first piece is titled: "Every Sperm Is Sacred" from a song by that name from the Monty Python group's movie "The Meaning Of Life"  it is made from ebonized and gilded cherry: 

Every Sperm Is Sacred - artwork
"Every Sperm is Sacred"  12/2001

Here's a video overview of the work:



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and will ship anywhere
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