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PROGRESS REPORT:   July 23  Insulating the barn - day 1

The guys from Viking showed up today to spray insulation
into the barn.  This is Corbond polyurethane foam that has an
approximate R value of 7.3 per inch. I'm going for a very high
insulation value to ensure that this California dude can stay warm
in the Maine winters!  They will spray 3 inches downstairs,
and 4 inches upstairs, then I'll add fiberglass over that!
I'm aiming for R30 downstairs, and R40 upstairs.

Here they are starting the job:

It took a lot longer than they thought, so only the top floor
was sprayed today, and they will finish the rest tomorrow. The foam went
in so thick that I have no room for the fiberglass insulation
that I planned to add on the sloped roof, but the extra thickness will yield a similar
level of insulation anyway. 
I'll end up with an almost airtight space
after I finish framing in the large
doors downstairs with smaller ones.

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